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Here to Please Crystal Yoni Eggs

Here to Please Crystal Yoni Eggs

Regular price $43.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $43.00 USD
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Yoni eggs can increase blood flow and improve circulation to the muscles and tissues of the pelvic floor. This can help increase natural lubrication in the **vaginal canal.

*Rose Quartz: is a stone of self love, love of those that surround you, the earth, the universe, and the divine. Opens the heart chakra and clears the emotional body. 

*Obsidian: is a powerful and quick acting stone. It will bring out the truth and reflect back that which is shown, revealing frailty, defects and obstructions. Powerful protective stone for guarding against negativity.

*Red Jasper: is a gently vitalizing and grounding stone that may help to resolve unfair situations. It assists in exposing problems before they grown too large and can help one to see solutions to the most difficult challenges. Helps cleanse and balance aura.


*These crystal yoni eggs are not drilled.

** Not recommended for anal play.

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